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Heartfelt Marriage

You want to discover and develop the skills and attitudes that will enable you to have a mutually satisfying, emotionally healthy, till-death-do-us-part marriage!

Subscribe to the Heartfelt Marriage Podcast produced by author, speaker, broadcaster, poet, and marriage specialist, Dr. Ron Ross. He speaks from a Christian worldview and from the 52+ years he was married to the same cute little Colorado girl named Amy Kay.

The podcasts are usually less than 10-minutes long and filled with practical help for listeners.

Nov 9, 2017


Every married couple wants to be happy. They want their marriage to be happy; they want their down days to be few and their nights of romantic ecstasy to be many. When their fantasy of perpetual happiness is shattered by arguments, insecurity, bad decisions, financial struggles, betrayal, addictions, sexual dissatisfaction, etc., they pop a few antidepressants or they look around for something or someone who can make them happy. 

True happiness is never found in another person or in stuff or in pills or in erotic experiences – it is found within; it is found deep in your heart when you decide to be happy - when you decide to help someone else - when you decide to be happy no matter what you are doing.

In this podcast, Dr. Ross uses the words of an old song to challenge you to “make someone happy, make just one someone happy, and then you’ll be happy too!”

The podcast is only 10 minutes long.