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Heartfelt Marriage

You want to discover and develop the skills and attitudes that will enable you to have a mutually satisfying, emotionally healthy, till-death-do-us-part marriage!

Subscribe to the Heartfelt Marriage Podcast produced by author, speaker, broadcaster, poet, and marriage specialist, Dr. Ron Ross. He speaks from a Christian worldview and from the 52+ years he was married to the same cute little Colorado girl named Amy Kay.

The podcasts are usually less than 10-minutes long and filled with practical help for listeners.

May 25, 2017

When and where did marriage begin? And whose idea was it, anyway?

Marriage began in the Garden of Eden when “God put the Man into a deep sleep. As he slept He removed one of his ribs and replaced it with flesh. God used the rib to make Woman…” (Genesis 2:21-22) As soon as Adam’s divine anesthesia wore off, the Father of the bride, God himself presented the Woman to the man. She was made by the hand of God specifically for Adam, and some say God made some very nice improvements!

God was the first Father to give away the bride! The podcast is approximately 10 minutes.

An expanded version of the information in this podcast can be found in Dr. Ross’ book “Seven Assumptions about Marriage” on

Seven Assumptions about Marriage - Assumption #1 The Origin of Marriage