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Heartfelt Marriage

You want to discover and develop the skills and attitudes that will enable you to have a mutually satisfying, emotionally healthy, till-death-do-us-part marriage!

Subscribe to the Heartfelt Marriage Podcast produced by author, speaker, broadcaster, poet, and marriage specialist, Dr. Ron Ross. He speaks from a Christian worldview and from the 52+ years he was married to the same cute little Colorado girl named Amy Kay.

The podcasts are usually less than 10-minutes long and filled with practical help for listeners.

Oct 26, 2018

Have noticed that bored people seem to create the most drama – and it’s the nasty, negative tragic spectacle kind of drama that damages rather than entertains?

Boredom in marriage inevitable. How do you solve it? With a little adventure! Adventure stirs up excitement and renews and strengthens the connections between husband and wife.

In this Podcast, Dr. Ross shares five good reasons a little adventure (and sometimes a big adventure) is good for your marriage. He knows something about adventure in marriage as he and his wife spent several years living in Africa. He gives several examples of adventures from his five-decade marriage. The adventures you and your mate can enjoy do not have to be expensive, elaborate, or dangerous.

This podcast reminds you to watch for signs of boredom in your marriage and recharge your relationship with a little adventure. Start by making sure you are not a boring person. Be interesting, be fun to be with, be adventuresome, and you will take your marriage from marginal to marvelous. Listen to the podcast now!

The podcast is 9 minutes long.