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Heartfelt Marriage

You want to discover and develop the skills and attitudes that will enable you to have a mutually satisfying, emotionally healthy, till-death-do-us-part marriage!

Subscribe to the Heartfelt Marriage Podcast produced by author, speaker, broadcaster, poet, and marriage specialist, Dr. Ron Ross. He speaks from a Christian worldview and from the 52+ years he was married to the same cute little Colorado girl named Amy Kay.

The podcasts are usually less than 10-minutes long and filled with practical help for listeners.

Aug 30, 2018

How do you see your marriage? How close is it to the image you had when you said, “I do”? Have you and your mate ever talked about how you want your marriage to look and feel?

It’s a challenge because two people who love each other can have disparate views of what a marriage should be. It’s not a bad thing to have differing views, but it can be a problem if you don’t know what your mate expects of you.

Dr. Ross wants to help you move your marriage from marginal to marvelous. In this podcast, he suggests some heartfelt conversations that can (should?) happen between you and your mate.

He says, “When you have such a discussion you discover what each of you wants and are willing to invest in your marriage. Then the good stuff happens!” You will love Dr. Ross’s list of “good stuff!”

This important podcast will help you discover and create a shared vision for a mutually satisfying, emotionally healthy, till-death-do-us-part kind of marriage.

This podcast lasts only 9 minutes.